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The national centralized procurement platform will come out

In March 16, 2018, Sichuan University West China Hospital ushered in a research team of the National Health Council: 6 people, leading by the director of the Health Committee International Communication Center, director Yang Tao, the Central Committee of the international communication and cooperation, the Cancer Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and other relevant leaders and experts.

West China Hospital is one of the 44 affiliated hospitals of the national team. The national health and Health Committee is here to investigate the construction of government procurement management platform.

The industry procurement management platform may be strange to the industry. But this platform is not unexpected. In the future, it will become the core platform for centralized procurement management of large-scale medical equipment.

In December 2016, the State Council issued the "13th Five-Year" plan for deepening the reform of the medical and health system, which made it clear that we should "carry out the centralized purchase of high value medical consumables, inspection and testing reagents, and large medical equipment."

In May 2017, the State Council also announced the decision to amend the regulations on the supervision and management of medical equipment, and added a number of new regulations on the allocation and management of large medical equipment, and the approval of the large medical equipment allocation from non administrative licensing examination and approval to administrative permits.

After the revision of the regulations, the regulations for the allocation of large equipment did not become more relaxed than expected in the industry. Health planning departments and medical institutions are required to strengthen the purchase demonstration of large medical equipment, strictly control high-end models, can not exceed the regional health planning, beyond the functional positioning of medical institutions blindly chase high.

In addition, in November 2017, the director of the planning and Information Department of the National Health Planning Commission, Hou Yanceng, introduced the "13th Five-Year" large medical equipment configuration plan, which included class A and B equipment, public and private medical institutions, and proposed that the standard of large equipment allocation should be first to ensure quality and safety and to reduce medical treatment. The cost of treatment is to support the society in running medicine and guiding the allocation of domestic equipment.

The state has tightened the management of large medical equipment, on the one hand, strictly examining and approving, and gradually realizing the legal, standardized and fine management. On the other hand, the large equipment should be included in the scope of reducing medical costs and medical costs through centralized procurement, ladder configuration and so on.

Centralized procurement of large medical equipment is one of the important tasks of this round of health care reform. Its implementation speed is slower than that of high consumption and reagents.

At present, some provinces in China, such as Anhui, have implemented centralized purchase of large equipment at provincial level.

And related information shows that a national large-scale medical equipment centralized procurement platform has been in the rush of planning, and is about to come out.

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